Runaway Workflows

It is possible to create workflows that start other workflows. Depending on how your workflows are configured, this situation can cause a never ending loop of workflows. For example, consider the following workflows.

In this scenario, Workflow A and B will run continuously, each causing the other to run, until they are manually stopped.

To stop runaway workflows

  1. Disable the starting rule(s) associated with the runaway workflow(s).
  2. Modifying the starting rules and/or workflow definitions to correct the problem. Specifically, you may want to exclude the Workflow User from your starting rule.

Note: Use caution if you have configured the Invoke Workflow activity to run the workflow that the activity is in. In this situation, ensure that your workflow reaches a completion point. Failure to do so may lead to a runaway workflow that cannot be resolved using the method described above. If you encounter this issue, disable the Invoke Workflow activity and re-publish the workflow.